My Favourite Film


                 I have seen many movies , both english and hindi. However my favourite movie is ' Thare Zameen par'.                                                                This is a  movie about ishaan, a young boy who has difficulty reading and writting. As a resalt he is always being scolded by his parents and his teachers.his parents think that he is mischievous and his teachers think that he is lazy and uninterested in studies. Finally quite fed up of manang him,him parents enroll him in a bording school . The boy think that he has been sent there as a punishment.   

              Here in the bording school, there comes a new drawing master name Ram shankar Nikumbh .He observes and understands Ishaan and his problem. He discovers that Ishaan draws very well and with great patience he helps him to read and write .He also visit Ishan's parents and explain to them the nature of their son's problem. In the art fair , Ishaan win the frist prize for darwing and makes his parents feel proud of him.                                                                                               The movie is directed very well. The director knows how to make the crudience emputy for the boy and his problems.The photography is very good and the music is superb. I specially liked  title song .All the actors did their part very well, but special mention must be made of Aumir Khan as the drawing master and Daesheel Safary as the dyslexic boy.                                                                                                 Indeed , I like to watch such movies that are mmeaningful and have some message for the audience. I never get tried of watching 'Taare Zumeen Par' again and again.


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